Friday, 19 November 2010


Lift-facial from Stine Agerskov Frandsen on Vimeo.

The exercise of the last week and three days. This was meant to teach us about lifting something (weight), facial and how to use constraints in Maya. For the first time we have also been using a few scripts; zvparentmaster made the constraints a lot easier.
I hope to get some time to work more on this assignement - I think I have a nice basic animation, and it could use some finesse and more frames to linger on some poses. It was loads of fun to do an acting scene again - the last couple of assignments have been cycles, which is nice but a lot more strict.

After dailies I made a few small adjustments, mostly timing. I hope to get back to this assignemnt - it could still need something special, and hopefully I will get better at making that special thing during the next couple of months.

Lift/facial, few improvements from Stine Agerskov Frandsen on Vimeo.

Friday, 12 November 2010


Lift, 2D rough animatic from Stine Agerskov Frandsen on Vimeo.

Lift, 3D blocking WIP from Stine Agerskov Frandsen on Vimeo.

at the moment we are doing a lift, our teacher is Sidney Padua. It's been a while since we've had an exercise that was not a cycle, and it's fun to be back in a less strict environment. I am trying to focus a bit more on planning and working my keys properly. We have the entire next week to be working on this, including learning theory on facial and the dynamics of lifts.
These two animatics are based on videoreference I made the first evening.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

A lot of sketches

I am trying to achieve one of my goals for this semester - fill out an entire sketchbook. I went to Flensbourg, Germany, during the autumn holiday where I got some new markers. How I love markers, and my new skincolour collection from copics is awesome.
These sketches represent: some fanart (I like Despicable me and the artist who is doing "hark, a vagrant") and a lot of my own stuff. Watercolour or markers or nothing.

Daisy walk, before dailies

Daisy Walk, before dailies session from Stine Agerskov Frandsen on Vimeo.

My first fourlegged walk. I have already done some changes, and our teacher, Sidney Padua is going to comment on those and probably help me fix it a bit = I am going to post another version (a better version) of this walk in a couple of days). I do think I managed to do an okay walk.

Friday, 5 November 2010

Carrot salesman

At the animation Workshop we have an ongoing project called TAWMonkey. Every week there is a new topic, and we just make a drawing for it. this week it was carrot salesman, and for the first time my mind came up with a drawing very fast. This is just a quick sketch, coloured with makers.