So, time to link to a few things that I did more or less work on.
first, the Fanta commercial that I did some animation on. I animated the guy on the snowboard, in the shot where he lands among his friends in the oranges.In that shot I also made the guy with the ice cream and the dog at the back.
Fanta | Orange Wave from Ghost VFX on Vimeo.
Then there is this Paagen commercial. I animated a little thing bare visible in this commercial, and helped out on a previz set. I can hardly take any credit,but since I helped out, I am going to link to it.
Paagen from Ghost VFX on Vimeo.
finally, I did some animation testing for the camera in the end of this Samsung commercial. I didn't do the final animation, but it is based on the test that I made, since the client wanted different takes to pick from.
Samsung from Ghost VFX on Vimeo.